Alhamdulillah, I am so full and happy right now. Hidup i macam tak ada la apa yang gempak sangat tapi cukup serba serbi dah sekarang and i tak boleh berhenti bersyukur kat Allah sebab bagi i rasa perasaan macam ni. Sangat sederhana Allahu tapi cukup sempurna.


So life update, i am living by myself right now haha technically not la alone, i ada housemates la but i do all by myself. I HAPPY GILA! I macam ragu ragu dengan diri i like a lottt. Boleh ke i buat ni? Datang KL takda saudara mara just kawan kawan je tu pun duduk jauh jugak kan, but i manage to do all that. I survived, i did well literally better than what i thought. 

I kinda love my job, it paid well and agak banyak for a young graduates like me which i am really grateful for. I love travel to work everyday even it take 45 min to 1 hour. I suka long ride in the LRT. I boleh dengar lagu and watch Netflix in a meantime or just sit there and look outside. It was okay. I had a friend in the office and they are so professional where they wont mingle with your personal life, outside of work. I anggap dorang as a work buddy and i was so happy for that. I know dorang keluar jugak kadang kadang out of working hour and they sometomes ajak but i prefer not to go huhu let's stay as a work buddy okie. Serius hahaha as a introvert myself, treat me like a work buddy is more than enough.

I miss my family sometimes, but knowing that they are doing well make me feel so relieved. No matter how it is but knew that they were doing well even without me and i feel soooo happy for everyone. Kawan kawan i pun are doing well. I just so full and happy for everyone. Oh haritu one of my close friend kahwin. It feels surreal hahaha. Finally kena ketuk dengan diri sendiri baru sedar dah tua rupanya lol. 

I masih with my boyfriend from the university. Yes still last long, hopefully ada jodoh la hehe. He's doing well too, he finally got a permanent job after being a contract worker for 8 months which i am sooo happy for him. Bila nak kahwin was still no answer haha our answer will be InshaAllah one day. 

I made money now kan which means i can buy anything yang I nak. I actually do self reward every month. Last last month kan i bought new Iphone then Alhumaira and Naelofar scarf. Self reward biasa biasa je but sukaaaaaaa because macam I finally mampu tau. I saving bulan bulan banyak jugak sebab i earn kinda a lot dari yag i nak guna. I pulak bukan jenis berbelanja sangat so Alhamdulillah.

Tahu tak berat i naikkk. I suka haha sebab ramai sangat tegur i kurus. So i makan banyak. Bmi still underweight but okay la ada peningkatan. Syukur. Now duit habis banyak dengan makan jugak la haha.


Tujuan i update is to remind myself yang i did well, even i had thousand of doubts but satu satu i tepis tau and look at me, i am standing strong. I happy for a little little thing in my life. I hope i will be happy for a long long time. 

Korang pun happy tau, the day you guys start to be open minded and realize yang hidup bukan la satu je tujuan dia but banyak lagi laluan untuk happy. That's the day you will finally be happy. Hope everyone will be strong, really strong. You got this, we got this. 

Till next time. xoxo.

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