Hai semua, it's nice to get to talk like this. Dapat tulis dekat sini kan macam i was at one of my comfort zones. It's warm and comfortable. I like it. Actually tak ada apa sangat pun, I just rasa nak tulis something on my mind so yeah here we go.

I keep thinking about lots of things these day. I akan habiskan my psychology degree next year InshaAllah at the age of 23  in one of the best university in Malaysia. It's crazy actually how I manage to be here right now. But somehow I can?  WOW I rasa nak nangis hahaha. 

    I bukan the smart kid in school. Tak pernah dapat nombor satu, waktu sekolah menengah i tak pernah dapat Anugerah Cemerlang or any award, not the best student but not the worst either.Bila fikir kan, i always be the middle kids. The average one. My grades, my looks, my attitudes. It's all average. But I happy. I have my ups and downs in life but I manage to be here right now, slaying these hardships and proud to say that I'm doing great. 

Do I like psychology? I don't know it either. Am I good at this? I would say I'm not? But i survived every semester even without the whole passion in me. So maybe I am good? What do you think? I don't know it either. But korang nak tahu tak? Korang tak semestinya ada jawapan untuk setiap soalan dalam fikiran korang. Korang can leave it hanging and biarkan je. It's up to you. You control your mind. 

*HAIH i tak nak sound like the typical psychology student here but terjadi jugak haha* 

So actually lately I rasa macam i jauh dengan diri i. So I try to find my self sikit-sikit. I suka photography dulu. I suka tangkap gambar and edit gambar. I find it's fun. I tak ada basic or any guidelines so i just buat je out of passion. So lately i macam dig balik my passion tau and ambil gambar for fun? 👀 

Those are some of gambar-gambar yang i ambik:

Furthermore, i start active balik tulis blog. Walaupun kadang-kadang tu i tak tahu i tulis apa. I just suka tulis. Suka sangat. Bila ada blog ni i jadi suka share dengan everyone my thought ish entah la nak cakap i suka tulis je masalahnya ni. 


On my opinion kan I rasa  macam penting tau untuk hidup dengan minat korang terhadap sesuatu dan penting jugak untuk kadang tu go with the flow. Hidup ni memang satu pilihan tapi tak semua ada pilihan. Bagi i, buat lah sesuatu tu asalkan hidup korang gembira dan lapang. 

Why not sometimes, korang duduk saja saja kan, tengok balik ke belakang. Ada tak apa-apa yang korang tinggal. Try to find and build balik benda tu. Try to find that 'comforting'. Yang korang suka dan selesa. Something yang korang enjoy to do. Tak kira lah apa pun, it must be something. Try to tengok belakang balik and treasure those things. Finding your own selves. You will find it hehe good luck korang. Hope it helps. 



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