Hi semua! Nak dijadikan cerita, i baru habiskan intern selama 6 bulan di salah sebuah MNC company dekat Pulau Pinang. So harini, i would like to share with all of you guys 3 TIPS UTAMA yang semua perlu tahu sebelum apply for internship atau tempat praktikal. Semua tips in sangatlah berguna and juga berdasarkan my own experiences. So let's go..


Bunyi macam cliche gila kan? Tapi serius ni tips paling utama. Apa yang I maksudkan dengan goal adalah apa yang korang nak capai at the end of the internship? Sebagai contohnya, my friends banyak fikir intern ni sebagai university requirements only. I tak nafikan memang kita buat intern sebab nak grad, industrial training is a subject yang kita kena fulfil kalau nak habis belajar. 

But before I apply for my internship kan, I have my personal goal. I nak aim for company yang boleh bagi i something in return, maksud i bukan lah allowances but paling utama for me is the working experiences. I nak intern i berbaloi. So I already have that in mind which is my little goal, so I start apply for company yang ada specific title for their intern like hr intern/corporate intern/operation intern. Some of them memang ada interview and not easy to get in especially for big company. Dah macam nak mintak kerja ja tau dia punya susah tu haha. But dekat situ tau I gained experience and I kinda like it.

Tapi its totally depend to your own personal goal, kalau korang just nak intern yang dekat rumah ja and okay if tak ada elaun asal lepas la intern ni. Bagi I, korang can apply for government sectors yang dekat dengan rumah korang. My friends banyak intern dekat PPD, pejabat daerah and some sekolah too. Kerja tak banyak sangat and most of the time dorang kata rehat ja. For me okay ja la asalkan enjoy with what you do.  At the end of the day, boleh tanya diri sendiri yang did you fulfil your personal goal? Have you achieved something today? Is it worth it? 


Mesti terfikir macam why eh we need to prepare resume and cover letter semua? Intern ja kot.. I don't know if you guys know this but some international university don't make the internship as a requirement to graduate. So at the end of the day, dorang tak ada any work experiences. So these students will apply for internship SUKARELA. They will see the internship as a job like any other job. So apabila you sedar yang internship ni bukanlah sekadar for fun ja but actually it might be your very first working experience, you akan put so much efforts on that. 

Jadi prepare resume paling terbaik. Untuk cover letter, I tak rasa wajib especially you just applied for intern kan. But kalau rajin, you can do both. Untuk resume, you boleh google ja tengok contoh and get free template too tapi i sarankan create ja sendiri. Lepastu jangan lupa untuk highlight cocu activities kat university. Please jangan masukkan yang sekolah punya haha. Focus on your penglibatan dekat university. Contohnya jadi program manager, public relation biro atau AJK biasa pun, masukkan ja. You can just Google. Rajinkan la diri hehe semuanya di hujung jari.


SOOO important okay to study yourself. Maksudnya faham apa yang diri kita nak for our future. Contohnya if you really interested with design field so try apply for intern dalam field tu. Mana tahu ada rezeki, you boleh belajar kat situ. Faham betul betul apa yang kita minat and apply for field yang kita rasa nak masuk in the future.

Jangan pernah limitkan diri sendiri like 'oh I ni budak art, mana boleh apply for bank. Bank is for accounting student only'. LIKE HELLOOO, you boleh apply for any industry. Sebab dalam each industry bukan ada kerja tu ja. Like for engineering based company, bukan la ada engineer ja okay. It will have accounting, communication, design, safety and health. See? Please allowed yourself to go and explore the world around you.. Gituuu haha. But serious guys, you got this!

I rasa itu ja la. I seriously have a lot in minds tapi I cuba until pendekkan apa yang dalam fikiran i ni to 3 tips utama. I harap it will helps. By the way, please don't give up, good things dont come easily you know, it takes time 😊 Good luck untuk semua yang akan intern, comment if you guys have any questions below, I akan try jawab satu satu. 

Till next post, xoxo.

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