Hai, so harini i nak share dengan korang some of the things la yang i belajar and boleh la dijadikan tips untuk korang yang sedang menghadapi LDR. Ni berdasarkan pengalaman i sendiri je tau. I'm not good at it but boleh la kalau sekadar nak kongsi dengan korang hehe. Hope bermanfaat.


I keep thinking on apa agaknya the first pillar in LDR relationhip. For me, sabar adalah sangat-sangat penting. 

Sabar when they are not around when you need them, sabar kalau line teruk (totally us), sabar kalau rasa nak marah on a little things macam bangun tidur tak sama so you have to wait sampai dia bangun hahaha.

Nak gaduh for the little things adalah sangat tak berbaloi. Enjoy the times you guys have with each other. Be more considerate and be patient tau.


Communication bukan lah maksudnya you talk all the time, 24/7. NO! Everyone have their own life. Let they live it.

 Communicate when you have to go somewhere, run the errands, nak tidur or makan and told each other the expected time korang boleh ada. Malam kejap lagi? Petang sikit? See? Just tell them. 

Jangan tinggal someone hanging just waiting for you. HAIH please la don't do that okie? Communicate la jugak kalau korang rasa macam diabaikan ke rasa sunyi ke, work on that sama-sama. Kan comel camtu.


Kalau kitorang kan, even busy pun kitorang will try curi masa untuk be with each other. Contoh dia macam video call while i makan maggi tengah malam hahaha while dia buat assignments atau curi masa tengok movie sama-sama kat Netflix. How?

 Click the link for the tips: 


Just make time for the one you love. It's about priority tau and at the same time tak tinggal your main responsibility.  


Haa tu dalam banyak-banyak la yang i belajar while go through this hard LDR relationship. I tahu susah, i was there and still there, and bila boleh jumpa tu happy gila kan? Tapi bila kena jauh lagi rasa macam again? But we can do this! Kita ada each other. 

Enjoy the fun of up and down throughout the way. Kadang kan orang just see the happiness but not the struggles haha. Cuma both of us tahu the struggles tu kan. Special gila kalau you tanya i. 

Those also the kind of memories to treasure together jugak tau. Share with me your LDR experiences and how korang manage it? 


Untuk yang terpisah sebab Covid-19, I hope you guys find the way okay? Be strong tau and believe that day will be finally come! *social distancing hugs*

Till next post. XOXO. 

*if korang ada masa, read this post too :)*

👇🏻 Click the link 👇🏻

Pesanan untuk yang sedang LDR

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