Don't expect people to heal you.

Just don't.

 The most important thing you have to learn is that,

You have no right to expect people to heal you. 

That's not how it works. 

Healing is a process. 

A process that only you have the answers to.

So why did you do that?

Putting such an expectation on people and hoping that they will make you feel better?

How can you put such pressure on people and hope it will work well?

Your life is yours.

The people that were destined to come across your life are not meant to heal.

They are there to help.

They are there to give you visions.

They are there to be behind your back and support you all the way.

But not to heal.

It's you.

Who will heal everything that is hurting you for these past times?

Because only you have the answers.

Trust me, only YOU.

So stop expecting THEY have the answers that you wanted.

They don't 

But you did.

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